
Anonymous Conference Platform

Experience secure and private video conferencing like never before. Our platform allows you to host and join meetings without revealing your identity. Whether you’re discussing sensitive topics or just prefer to stay anonymous, we’ve got you covered. Enjoy seamless communication with features like one-to-one sessions, secure chat, and easy session management. Your privacy is our priority.


Live Demo: ConferEase


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Tech Stack




  1. Clone the repository:
     git clone
     cd ConferEase
  2. Build and start the containers:
     docker-compose up -d
  3. Access the application:

Project Structure

├── backend
│   ├── Dockerfile
|   ├──routes
│   ├── server.mjs
│   ├── package.json
│   └── ...
├── frontend
│   ├── Dockerfile
│   ├── src
│   ├── public
│   ├── package.json
│   └── ...
├── docker-compose.yml

Docker Configuration


Dockerfile for Frontend ```Dockerfile # Use the official Node.js 18 image FROM node:18 # Set the working directory WORKDIR /app # Copy package.json and package-lock.json COPY package*.json ./ # Install dependencies RUN npm install # Copy the rest of the application COPY . . # Expose the port used by Vite EXPOSE 5174 # Start the Vite development server CMD ["npm", "run", "dev"] ```
Dockerfile for Backend ```Dockerfile # Use the official Node.js 18 image FROM node:18 # Set the working directory WORKDIR /app # Copy package.json and package-lock.json COPY package*.json ./ # Install dependencies RUN npm install # Copy the rest of the application COPY . . # Expose the port used by the backend EXPOSE 5000 # Run the backend server CMD ["node", "--experimental-modules", "server.mjs"] ```
Docker Compose Configuration ```yaml version: '3.8' services: frontend: build: context: ./frontend dockerfile: Dockerfile volumes: - ./frontend:/app - /app/node_modules ports: - "5174:5174" environment: - CHOKIDAR_USEPOLLING=true depends_on: - backend backend: build: context: ./backend dockerfile: Dockerfile volumes: - ./backend:/app - /app/node_modules ports: - "5000:5000" environment: - REDIS_HOST=redis - REDIS_PORT=6379 depends_on: - redis redis: image: redis:latest ports: - "6379:6379" volumes: - redis-data:/data volumes: redis-data: ```


Contributions are welcome! Please open an issue or submit a pull request for any improvements or additions.